Melbourne part 2

Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital is amazing! The foyer is more like a luxury hotel than a children’s hospital. There is a huge aquarium, a giant wall mounted iPad and even a meerkat colony.

After our consult we took the kids to Melbourne Zoo which is just down the road from the hospital. The zoo is so well designed and easy for the kids to view the animals, even from a wheelchair. We’ve been pretty lucky with the weather and had managed to dodge the rain but as we finished our zoo trip the heavens opened – not rain but a deluge! We took shelter outside the cafe but unfortunately so did every available pigeon in the area. Here’s the problem with this – I’m scared of birds.

Completely illogical but I hate the sound of their wings flapping and the touch of their feathers. As we sat there some people got up and left the remains of their food on the table and the scene that ensued was like something from Alfred Hitchcocks ‘the birds’. Feathered feeding frenzy, wings flapping, round my feet and even touching my hair. At this stage picture grown woman curled, fetal style, into plastic chair. Rain be damned – I was out of there! Much to the amusement of my family and most onlookers. India even crowed ‘mummy funny’ at me.







About embracingtheimperfections

I am a mother of six children. One of my twins has cerebral palsy so that adds yet another dimension to our lives. I have learnt that life is far from perfect and that sometimes it's the imperfections that round out the harsh edges and give it a quality that is precious and unique. My love of the imperfect extends into my home life too. I love all things vintage, hand crafted, home grown and home cooked. I love to be creative, and I love learning. I am definitely not a minimalist! I aspire to be tidy and organized but I am realizing that with six children, one cat, and two crazy dogs that is probably beyond my capabilities, so I embrace the beautiful chaos that ensues!
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